”Ceritera ini dibintangi oleh: Penulis sebagai Aku/ Suami Penulis sebagai Didi/ Ibu Penulis sebagai Mak/ Bapa Penulis sebagai Ayah/ Ibu Mertua Penulis sebagai Mama/ Bapa Mertua Penulis sebagai Abah”


Happy Birthday, Nadia!

Birthday is just an annual reminder that our time to meet God is closer. I never fancy birthday, it's not our family tradition to celebrate it like most people do. I try to find the value of birthday, but still it didn't suit my soul haha.

I only wish to the people that I love and concern and I mean every single words that I throw. And please forgive me if I ever forget anyone's birthday, it's not my forte to remember dates haha. 

So, as I turned 28 today, may I be better in every aspect of life. May I never hurt anyone's feeling.  May my presence in anyone's life is a bless for them. May all people that I love living comfortably with their loved ones. And many more good things and May Allah grants my silent prayers. Ameen.



  1. Anonymous4/10/2018

    Sanah helwah awak...may Allah ease n bless ur life...

  2. Anonymous4/10/2018

    Happy Birthday, Nadia !

    semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki.
    moga awak dapat capai impian hidup awak.

    1. Thank you :)

      Ameen. Same doa goes to you :)

  3. Anonymous4/10/2018

    Selamat hari lahir Nad...semoga terus memberi inspirasi kpd org lain

  4. happy birthday nadia!!!!

  5. Selamat Hari lahir, Nad..! Semoga dipanjangkan umur yang bermanfaat dan dilimpahkan rezqi barakah yang melimpah ruah.. Amiin.. ^^ Nak aku do'akan cepat bertemu jodoh tak weyh?

    Kalau aku sebaya kau, aku dah pergi ngorat crush aku dah..huhuhu.. Anyway, enjoy your youth.. ^^

    1. Thank you Lee. Ameen. haha doa la mana yg terbaik. AKu doakan yg sama untuk kau:)

      aku tak crush wakakaka. Kenapa sebaya aku? sebaya kau pun takde masalah la nak pergi ngorat hehe age is just a number. gituu haha. Will do Lee, you too! :)


Thank you for your time reading my experiences and thoughts.

If you have any inquiries that need urgent reply, kindly email to nadiaroslan261@gmail.com
